How to Win Business Strategy Game

BSG Game Tips In today’s education system, developing students with a high level of competencies and capabilities is a challenging task for every instructor. Graduates are expected to possess broad competencies like problem-solving, critical thinking, and cognitive skills when entering the job market. The world economic trends are changing fast creating more necessities for the students to develop the ability…

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All You Need to Know About CIPD Certification Process

The Chartered Institute of Professional Development (CIPD) is a professional standard qualification for people looking to work as trained specialists and human resource professionals. The CIPD qualification is offered in three levels that come as Foundational Level (Level 3), Intermediate Level (Level 5), and Advanced Level (Level 5). The Foundational Level is designed for the new learners with little or…

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Tips on How to Win the Business Strategy Game (BSG)

Running a business isn’t child’s play, but if the strategies to operate a business can best be understood by just playing a game, could it be exciting? Well, this is possible through the Business Strategy Game (BSG). The Business Strategy Game (BSG) is online games in which students form teams that are assigned tasks and compete in running the business…

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How to Write a Cover Letter

When hunting for a job, cover letters may be possibly the most belittled document of the entire application processes. The main reason for this is that most job applicants don't have the even the slightest clue of what they need and what they are for. However, a cover letter is a vital document of virtually every job application. It offers…

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How to Find Plagiarism in your Paper and Save you Grade

  Plagiarism refers to the cautious copying of the content of someone and presenting as your original ideas or by not giving credit to its original author. Plagiarism may be deliberate or not if a person does not know if he or she uses someone’s idea. Many students think that a slight paraphrase will help them do away with plagiarism…

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Guide on How to Reference in Harvard Style

Many different referencing styles can be used, especially for academic works. When writing a dissertation, project, thesis or coursework, the professor or department will require you to use a particular style of referencing your work. In this guide, we introduce you to the Harvard referencing style, which uses an ‘author-date’ approach. What is Referencing? Referencing is an approach used to…

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Corona Virus Effects on Marriages

The novel coronavirus – COVID-19 pandemic is impacting everyone, some more harshly than others. But for marriages and families, it means making huge changes in daily routines due to financial hardships and confinement measure put to mitigate the spread of the pandemic further. By now, you might have seen how loud your partner has become? That parenting is not one…

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How to Write a Powerful Packed Formal Letter

With today's Internet and email-driven society, the necessity to write a formal letter arises less often than in the past. Nonetheless, some occasions necessitate to present a formal letter to request information, provide information, decline a request, express appreciation, apply for a job, register a complaint, or express an opinion formally and rationally. When you write your formal letter, you…

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How to Win Cesim simulation game

[caption id="attachment_12660" align="aligncenter" width="638"] How to Win Cesim simulation game[/caption] Cesim Simulation Game is an online business simulation game that aims to develop student's understanding of the complex business operation in the modern dynamic competitive business environment.  Moreover, it integrates several concepts from different management related disciplines that include production, marketing, research, economic, financial, procurement, accounting, and logistic. Cesim Simulation…

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How to Write a Book Report

For most students, writing a book report strikes terror in them. It is because writing a book report challenges students to think critically and write about what they have read on a specific book. A book report gives you a chance to read, understand, and appreciate the work and its author. Writing a book report requires you to give a…

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